
The Christmas Pin Society, Epilogue

To view Chapters Four, Five, and Six, please go to December 2006 Archives and for Chapters One, Two, and Three, please view in November 2006 Archives.

The Christmas Pin Society

by Marianne Coyne

Copyright©2006 Marianne Coyne


Two years later God's amazing grace still echoes through our hearts. Billy's surgery was a great success. A strong and healthy twelve year old, he performs wonders for his Jr. High School basketball team. Once each month, at his local hospital, he offers encouragement to other young children recovering from surgeries. Every now and again, when we are in the same room together, he will wink at me; and knowing what he's thinking of, I'll wink back.

Angel enjoys utilizing her public relations abilities to enhance the activities of our local schools. She has rediscovered her enthusiasm and vim.

Five months after the auction, Belinda and Paul came back to Evergreen to stay. They became foster parents to six year old, Christine, and her three year old brother, Jack. One year later those two beautiful and loved children became permanent members of the family. Belinda and Paul were never happier.

To the joy of Elizabeth, Hannah and Harold renewed their wedding vows and their lives together as husband and wife. They have a gracious granddaughter, Elsie, and another grandchild on the way.

Kathy's quirky and fun loving nature is the delight of her three grandchildren, who keep her very active. When she has all three together I often wonder who will tire out first. But as busy as she is, she still has time for her "old" friends.

Ben and Mary gave Frank and I another cherished grandchild, Esther Anne. Robert adores his sister, and is a capable big brother with a well-spring of helpful hints. Ben is reactivating his big brother role toward Isabel, as she prepares for her wedding to children's books author and illustrator, Jonathan Ashton.

As for the Christmas Pin Society ~ well, it has a new member ~ Joanne Harris; and instead of meeting once a year, we meet once a month. However, now our luncheons have taken on a different goal. Along with our food contributions to the lunch, we also bring a financial donation; and making note during the year of any persons or organizations in need, each Christmas give the collected total to where it is most needed. Now every Christmas is a fruitful one. It's the least we can do for Him who gave his most.

Oh...and yes, we still collect Christmas pins.


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