
America of the Free!

Oh, if we could only see again the AMERICA of the FREE!

The America our forefathers fought for it to be.

She took in all people who were tired, and burdened, and poor,

Expressing the LOVE of the Son, and made Him the Core.

America, the Beautiful! America, my home sweet home!

She gives love and life to all and her flag is flown.

America, “Land of the Free and Home of the Brave”.

“This Land is our Land”, and God’s way should pave!

So has it come to that time to “turn the other cheek”?

For there are many in this land that are not so meek.

For many are offended of the Christian belief,

Those that hate the Son of God and give Him grief.

A Jew to sue because, in an airport, a Christmas tree stands?

An Atheist gets mad for The Ten Commandments in our land?

My heart cries to God because of those who can not see,

That the love of Christ is for ALL MEN, to set them free.

So where are the George Washington’s and the Abraham Lincoln’s?

Where are the men of God that believe in those freedoms?

Where are the Brave that can run this country as it should be?

Where are they that need to help this country to remain free?

For now we turn to the One and Only who will give us solace.

For Christ had even said, “He who is not against us, is for us.”

And we believe and trust in God that this land will remain FREE.

For God is the core of THIS land, for you and for me!

I imagine that on rainy days that God is always crying

For now He has to see His creation fighting and dying

For an endless cause of men having it their way

Instead of trusting God in what His Word did say

That Christ would be sent to all so to live a free life

and remove our selfish ways of this endless strife.

A babe in a manger was sent from God to lead the way

That we CAN live in harmony, and peace, NEVER to stray!


December 11, 2006

1 comment:

Lani said...

Well written Brenda ! We all need to be in prayer dailey for this land we love.