
The Gospel Truth

How did I miss what Jesus had to say about me and my marriage?
by: Gary D. Chapman

Someone once told me that marriage is like flies on a window pane. The flies on the inside are trying to get out and those on the outside are trying to get in.

I can identify with that picture. For months leading up to my wedding, I could hardly wait to be married. I was in graduate school, and I dreamed about how wonderful marriage was going to be. I had visions of coming home in the evening and studying in our apartment. I could picture her sitting on the couch; when I'd finish studying, I'd look up and our eyes would meet. Won't that be wonderful? I thought. A wife right there in the apartment!

After we got married I discovered my wife didn't want to sit on the couch and watch me study. While I worked she'd go downstairs and socialize with people in the apartment complex. And I'd think, This is just like it was before we got married. The only difference is my dorm room was a lot cheaper than this place.


What God Hath Not Joined

Why marriage was designed for male and female.
by Edith M. Humphrey

Our radically confused society is debating the meaning of marriage with increasing intensity. That question leads to a host of other issues—especially the boundaries of sexual behavior and the nature of procreation. No one is untouched by this debate.